EPCC Blackboard Login Walkthrough

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Like most other colleges offering online learning solutions to students, the EPCC provides an online platform known as EPCC Blackboard. This portal is a means through which students from the college registered for and participate in online classes. This system is user-friendly and available to all students enrolled in the college. So if you have recently gained admission into the institution, and you haven’t accessed the EPCC Blackboard login page before, you may need some assistance.

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This is a step-by-step guide for the EPCC Blackboard login process prepared to help interested students complete their login registration and gain access to their online courses.

EPCC Blackboard Step-by-step Login Walkthrough

Completing the login process for this portal is quite easy. Just follow the below steps:

1. Type the relevant web address into your browser (epcc.edu). After typing the address correctly into your browser and clicking on the send icon, you will be automatically directed to the appropriate page.

2. Provide the username given to you when you opened your El Paso Community College account into the first open field on the portal.

3. Type your student password associated with your EPCC student account into the second field below.

4. Click on the login or submit icon to gain access to your online courses.

The EPCC portal can also be accessed via Android tablets, iPhone, iPad, and smartphone.

EPCC Blackboard Login

EPCC Blackboard Mobile Login Walkthrough

1. Type the EPCC web address into your mobile device browser and click on send. You will be directed to the EPCC portal.

2. Type your El Paso community college account username into the first open field on the portal.

3. Type in your EI Paso community college account password into the second field below.

4. Click on the login or submit icon to get access to your online courses and other relevant data.

EPCC Blackboard Mobile Login Walkthrough for Apple Devices

1. Click on the app store on your Apple device and download the EPCC application.

2. Install the application in any folder of your choice on your device.

3. Launch application and type your details (EPCC username and password) into the relevant fields to gain access to the portal.

EPCC Blackboard Mobile Login Walkthrough for Android Devices

1. Click to open the Google Play Store on your Android device and download the EPCC app.

2. Install the app on your device.

3. Launch the application and type the required username and password to get access to the portal.

Possible Login Problems

If you have lost your password, you will require a new one to move forward with the signing up process. If that is the case, click on the forgotten password link just beneath the two open fields on the right side of the EPCC page. After clicking on that title, the password recovery steps will automatically appear. After completing the recovery process, your password would be reset.

If after you have carried out the required steps for password recovery (by putting in the required details correctly), but you did not get a new password or cannot use your details to access the portal, contact the EPCC help desk for support by calling (915) 831 6440.

Quick and Useful Information

This step-by-step guide above is meant to help students who attend the EPCC college, use the EPCC Blackboard Login page (epcc.edu). It is a means through which the college offers online learning solutions for its students. With the aid of the portal students from the college enroll for and participate in different online classes, tests, and other academic activities.

It is a user-friendly system that is available to all students who attend the college. All new students who are trying to access their EPCC portal account will do so in no time by following the present step-by-step guide.


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